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Sacha Lodge Ecuador Amazon Lodge

Sacha Lodge Ecuador Amazon lodgeImagine yourself drifting down a narrow, winding creek, surrounded on all sides by a lush, endless sea of tropical greenery. All that separates you from the deep black amazon waters is a canoe hand-carved out of a single tree trunk. As you maneuver around a bend something unidentified crashes off into the underbrush and you catch a glimpse of two magnificent, colorful macaws startled into flight.

Suddenly, the forest erupts with a roar so loud that all you can imagine is some giant, fierce predator on the prowl. But as you turn to face your destiny, the menace is revealed as a family of furry red howler monkeys huddled together in a treetop. With a sigh of relief you continue onward, deeper into the unknown.

* Sacha lodge takes pride in the quality of its international menu and our chefs will be happy to prepare special dishes for vegetarians.

* The lodging at Sacha was carefully designed to offer comfort to the traveler while preserving the environment and the rustic, rainforest ambience. Each of our 10 double cabins, with high thatched roofs and private, shaded terraces, is constructed with traditional materials and is nestled well concealed in the lush surroundings.

The Yuturi complex is located on the shores of a beautiful series of lakes and is surrounded by jungle and all the wonderful sounds of different kinds of animals as well as the tranquillity of the majestic rainforest.

The complex includes 15 tropical huts (double occupancy) with private bathrooms. The huts have been built with typical materials in native styles to fit in with the surrounding environment. Lodging is comfortable and the food service is excellent.

Early morning birdwatching is also a real treat, offering the chance to see dozens of species in a short period of time.
Yuturi is considered one of the best birdwatching sites in Ecuador.

* Guests may use free time to enjoy the view from a raised lookout tower reaching towards the canopy above our bar and lounge, which offers a scenic view of Pilchicocha lake and excellent birdwatching opportunities.
* Electricity is provided from 4:30 a.m. Until 10:00 p.m. By a distant, nearly inaudible generator
* Private, modern bathrooms provide hot showers.

* All cabins are equipped with insect netting and contain two comfortable double beds.
